
data class Video(val title: String, val cover: String? = null, val embedUrl: String? = null, val provider: VideoProvider, val providerVideoId: String? = null, val youtubeUrl: String? = null, val thumbnailUrl: String? = null, val duration: Int? = null, val text: String? = null, val htmlAutoPlayVideoPlayer: String? = null, val regions: List<String>? = null)(source)


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constructor(title: String, cover: String? = null, embedUrl: String? = null, provider: VideoProvider, providerVideoId: String? = null, youtubeUrl: String? = null, thumbnailUrl: String? = null, duration: Int? = null, text: String? = null, htmlAutoPlayVideoPlayer: String? = null, regions: List<String>? = null)


Link copied to clipboard
val cover: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val duration: Int? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val embedUrl: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
val providerVideoId: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val regions: List<String>? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val text: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val thumbnailUrl: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
val youtubeUrl: String? = null