
data class Genre(val id: GenreType, val weight: Int, val composerTop: Boolean, val title: String, val titles: <Error class: unknown class><String, Title>, val images: Images, val showInMenu: Boolean, val showInRegions: List<Int>? = null, val fullTitle: String? = null, val urlPart: String? = null, val color: String? = null, val radioIcon: Icon? = null, val subGenres: List<Genre>? = null, val hideInRegions: List<Int>? = null)(source)


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constructor(id: GenreType, weight: Int, composerTop: Boolean, title: String, titles: <Error class: unknown class><String, Title>, images: Images, showInMenu: Boolean, showInRegions: List<Int>? = null, fullTitle: String? = null, urlPart: String? = null, color: String? = null, radioIcon: Icon? = null, subGenres: List<Genre>? = null, hideInRegions: List<Int>? = null)


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val color: String? = null
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val fullTitle: String? = null
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val hideInRegions: List<Int>? = null
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val radioIcon: Icon? = null
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val showInRegions: List<Int>? = null
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val subGenres: List<Genre>? = null
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val titles: <Error class: unknown class><String, Title>
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val urlPart: String? = null
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val weight: Int