
data class Album(val id: Int, val title: String, val type: AlbumType? = null, val metaType: AlbumType, val year: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, val releaseDate: Instant? = null, val coverUri: String? = null, val ogImage: String, val genre: GenreType? = null, val trackCount: Int, val likesCount: Int? = null, val recent: Boolean, val veryImportant: Boolean, val artists: List<Artist>, val labels: List<Label>, val available: Boolean, val availableForPremiumUsers: Boolean, val availableForOptions: List<Options>, val availableForMobile: Boolean, val availablePartially: Boolean, val bests: List<Int>, val trackPosition: TrackPosition? = null, val duplicates: List<Album>? = null, val volumes: List<List<TrackData>>? = null)(source)


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constructor(id: Int, title: String, type: AlbumType? = null, metaType: AlbumType, year: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, releaseDate: Instant? = null, coverUri: String? = null, ogImage: String, genre: GenreType? = null, trackCount: Int, likesCount: Int? = null, recent: Boolean, veryImportant: Boolean, artists: List<Artist>, labels: List<Label>, available: Boolean, availableForPremiumUsers: Boolean, availableForOptions: List<Options>, availableForMobile: Boolean, availablePartially: Boolean, bests: List<Int>, trackPosition: TrackPosition? = null, duplicates: List<Album>? = null, volumes: List<List<TrackData>>? = null)


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val bests: List<Int>
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val coverUri: String? = null
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val duplicates: List<Album>? = null
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val genre: GenreType? = null
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val id: Int
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val likesCount: Int? = null
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val releaseDate: Instant? = null
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val type: AlbumType? = null
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val volumes: List<List<TrackData>>? = null
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val year: <Error class: unknown class>? = null


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